Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why is Nutrition Important During Exercise?

A good diet is necessary if the benefits of exercise are to be achieved and should go hand in hand. During an exercise, the rate of metabolism (breakdown in this case) increases, and that burns lots of calories. This means that there is exploitation of our energy levels and therefore must be replaced by proper nutrition.

During the exercise there is increase in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. They all need to be replaced, and in cases in which the essentialto build up the muscles that will require that it be recorded an appropriate amino acid sources so that the new rate of muscle induced by exercise.

The body demands increase dramatically and to take a reasonable amount of energy from carbohydrates, to the level of metabolism going on power. Natural food protein provides the amino acids needed for muscle growth. All of these micronutrients, as well as B vitamins and chromium, antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, andMinerals such as calcium and magnesium is needed for additional quantities. The level of metabolism releases even more free radicals, and as such increase will be necessary wiping action by anti-oxidants.

You need to drink more water than you normally do. During the exercise, one loses the loss of fluid to increase extremely resistant to perspiration and respiration, and so you are slightly dehydrated. This can lead to heat stroke, hypovolemic shock, which are kidney stone formation, etc. So you need a lot ofWater to cool the exothermic reaction taking place in your body.

It is virtually an increase of each individual chemical reactions in the body. Just like everything else is overtime, so are the heart muscles. You must supply the heart, and with adequate vitamins such as B and C, oxygen and other nutrients to ensure that the electrical activity in the heart continues to meet the new requirements. More sodium and potassium ion influx and outflow occurs andFood intake should be able to be such that to comply with these activities. With the removal of these ions can lead to heart block.

Before or after exercise, adequate carbohydrate should be the most important source of energy for physical activity to be taken. If you like, before an exercise, you must allow sufficient time to occur and begin the digestion when the food is no longer avoid much of the stomach, such as angina, blood flow is more on the abdominal organs by which the heart is.Ideally, we should after a good rest following exercise, eat attention to the needs of the body.

Is for athletes, wrestlers, boxers and other athletes who are firmly in the grip and balance in the legs are not developed, if tasks are not adequately complemented by good nutrition. For a strong hold, have the muscles of the hands to become bigger and stronger leg muscles must be greater than for the balance and the bones are not strong enough without adequate calcium --Supply from a diet rich in fruits, fish and milk.

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