Sunday, November 8, 2009

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies Rampant - Do You Get Enough?

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are just what its name implies much for good health, including a healthy brain and body. They will also be important because they are not produced by the body, we must obtain it from our diet. About 80 percent of Americans are deficient in essential fatty acids, making it a 4 out of 5 chance that you are too! Some of the signs of EFA deficiency are:

Dry skin & hair, including dandruff
Slow woundHealing
Excessive ear wax
Attention problems, as with ADHD

Most Americans Need More Essential Fatty Acids

Besides the fact that most of us simply do not eat, not enough food with essential fatty acids in them, most Americans probably also an increased need for essential fatty acids, as can a diet with plenty of bad fats, chronic illness and / or stress More EFA. "Bad fats" include most of fried foods, hydrogenated fats, which are still found in manypackaged goods, and most commercial salad dressings and mayonnaise, margarine, etc.

Possibly animal sources of EFA must

Another problem with essential fatty acids that have many, is that omega-3 fatty acids are necessary in a 2:1 ratio of omega-6 fatty acids, but today we typically consume far more omega-6 fatty acids in our diet . Omega - 3 essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are found in the oils of cold water fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. They are also found in smallerAmounts in the fat of beef and poultry, but if you are fed conventional grain to eat beef or poultry, which amounts up to 7 times lower than if you find a grass-fed source.

The precursors of these essential fatty acids are found in the seeds of some plants, like walnuts and flax seed oil, and if you're healthy, the body can convert these precursors to essential fatty acids. But many of us are not healthy enough to do this transition, and so he must use someType of fish or fish oil in addition to grazing beef and poultry. In addition, another kind of EFA, gamma-linoleic acid, or GLA, is also important, and some of us are not healthy enough to GLA from the food we eat to produce our daily diet. If this is your case, find a good source of evening primrose oil or borage oil, both high in glass. Cracking at the edge of the fingernails is a sign of a GLA deficiency.

Essential fatty acids fight inflammation, Help HeartBrain, nervous system, and more

Essential fatty acids are very important for our bodies. They keep our cells strong to prevent damage caused by chemicals that support the passage of nutrients into the cell and waste from cells and enhance immune system function. They are also crucial for the kidneys, nervous system and in the production of sex hormones. They are needed for healthy digestion, brain and heart function, healthy blood pressure, skin, hair and nails health and ourEnergy. They are very important for young, rapidly growing brain, like a fetus, but also as a baby and toddler. You can also share our thoughts more sharp and clear as we get older, and improve our mood. A study showed that 1 gram of EPA per day helped with depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. Others have found that a combination of EPA and DHA, as found in fish, cod liver oil or other marine animal oils, contribute to depression can be. They have also been shown toanti-inflammatory, and thus may be helpful for people with inflammatory diseases such as heart disease and arthritis.

Add fish or cod liver oil to your diet

If you like to suggest fish, many experts add some cold water fish to your diet at least twice a week. If you do not like fish, or are about mercury or other contaminants in fish are concerned, you can EFA of cod liver oil, fish oil or other marine animal oils. A good source of GLA is borage oil. You canalso get the essential fatty acids you need from flaxseed oil and walnut oil as long as you are healthy enough to make the conversion.

Copyright 2008, Karen Pijuan. This article may be copied in its entirety but only if all connections are maintained, including in the resource, or about the author section.

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