Sunday, March 21, 2010

Secret History of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an important part of human diet. The lack of this nutrient is likely to cause scurvy. Many people have this idea that if they are to maintain this condition, they are not in any danger of contracting a disease or similar conditions that can bring to their bodily functions. However, it has been through various tests that vitamin C is in a diet is necessary, not so much as to prevent scurvy, but more that it is capable of functioning on their own bodies goodperfect.

The importance of ascorbic acid

Unknown to the untrained person, vitamin C is preserved in many internal processes on human health. In stressful situations, our bodies produce more ascorbic acid in order to create the imbalance of charges that are ready. If the body does not do so fast enough, it could be unintentional biochemical effects. But by the inability of people to produce enough amount of ascorbic acid in the body, it is important that we fill up againour body with vitamins and continue to protect us. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to contract colds, if they do not have enough supply of ascorbic acid in their bodies? And mind you, even in large doses over a long period, people are protected from adverse impacts are other vitamins you may cause if, in such quantities is taken.

Vitamin C Back in Time

Based on the widespread availability of ascorbic acid in almost all living species andOrganisms, one can assume that the vitamin has been in existence billions of years ago. From a simple system for simple to more complex animal species, it is manufactured and independently synthesized. There are only a few organisms, which provide for an exception to this fact, where the food is needed to process these nutrients. With the exception of bacteria and similar organisms, both plants and animals evolved into more complex organisms, or to take the ascorbic acid for theirsurvival.Remember also the time when she studied invertebrates and vertebrates, the major difference was the presence of backbone in this way? The vertebrates, had a more developed muscular and nervous systems. These complex systems are better at dealing with these organisms of his environment to invertebrates. To achieve this, a high level of ascorbic acid is needed to support such activities with the organ systems.

Moving forward inTime

We know that warm-blooded animals have dominated all kinds. While producing the evolution of primate ancestors of man, a lethal genetic mutation, our liver is not capable of their own ascorbic acid. These mutations directly affect the DNA sequence that determines the human genome. This mutation destroys our primate ancestors ability to produce L-gulonolactone oxidase, which produce happens to be the last step in the livers of ascorbic acid from glucose. To compensate forThis shortcoming, the framework for good sources of vitamin in the form of meat, insects and plants available. To this day, you ride with this mutation to adapt to the efficiency of artificial nutrition and vitamin.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nutritional Supplementation and the Use of Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs

With the increasing popularity of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplement in the last decade, there are some points that I consider worthy of more attention, so that consumers make informed choices about the products they buy.

The first question I would like to address is bio-availability. This term is used to determine the actual amount of the allowance to describe the inclusion in the bloodstream. For many supplements in pill or capsule form can be as low as 10%. WhenPurchase supplemented in this form would consumers be advised to look "will be released products", which allow a greater absorption rate. Powders and juices have a higher rate of absorption, but it's still averaging only around 50%. This is an important point to consider whether a person is to supplement for a certain lack of will than someone taking a multivitamin Contrary to general health. There are gel-based supplements are now available with far greater absorptionPrices.

Another point to consider that there are some vitamins and minerals are most effective when absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Vitamin B12 is an example, are often administered intravenously by doctors. While others are usually in the minerals, the maximum value by slowly released during the day. Even the consumer when using milk-based pill should consider a "time released product." There are several products on the market that allow the releaseof nutrients, as they are needed. For example, a balanced food supplement of this kind, when they are with the necessary food nutrients that assist the body in its natural process of digestion, while the suspension and slow release of nutrients that require long-term absorption taken dismissal. These are generally the gel-based products. Medical research has also shown that the active drugs are working to identify compounds in many plants and herbs more efficiently to synergisticallywhich means that, when combined with the active compounds in plants and herbs from which they originate, they are often more effective. There is much debate as to why this is the case, but it is now widely accepted as a fact. It is therefore in the interests of consumers consider whether a product not only contain the active ingredient of a plant or herb they buy, but also a selection of all other components.

My final point is that the great debate rageson the effectiveness of food over a healthy and balanced diet is the fact that this food is now a part of daily life of many people and require more research and education on the subject. This is of particular importance as it is now accepted that can actually be implemented in megadoses of some vitamins bad for your health. Also, the properties of certain herbal preparations can be as powerful as the pharmaceutical partners and the same cautionshould be used when to use them. You should always consult your doctor if you suffer from any type of medication or an illness, before taking a supplement,

Finally, it is my view that in today's environment of poor nutrition, pollution and an increasingly stressful lifestyle, food can play an important role in the maintenance of health have, and could prove to be a valuable resource for the treatment and prevention of many pre-existing medical willTerms.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Wholemega™ Fish Oil from New Chapter Inc.

Whole Mega ™ from New Chapter is a completely new concept for fish oil. Sources from 100% sustainable, is wild Alaskan Salmon, Whole mega won with an extra virgin oil, low heat process, so it provides, of course, which lacks other fish oils, such as: • Nature's entire 16 beneficial omega fatty acids, not only complement • Useful many nutrients such as vitamins D • Powerful antioxidants such as astaxanthin Learn more about the differences between naturally pure Whole Mega and "cleaned"Fish oils in this short video. Enjoy!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Many people decided to take no daily multivitamin. Although it is a personal decision, some people simply have no idea of the potential health benefits that offer the most vitamins. For example, vitamin D aids in the formation and in maintaining strong bones. Many people who suffer from not enough vitamin D, often by muscle weakness and weak bones, it is therefore important to be aware of the health benefits, can offer the vitamins.

Vitamin D canabsorbed by your body in many different ways. First of all you can by the use of vitamin D-winning various foods, such as: fish, eggs, fortified milk and cod liver oil. Vitamin D can also be absorbed by solar radiation. Many researchers say, just ten minutes a day in the sun for a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Taking a daily multivitamin is another, more traditional way to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Some of the benefits that vitamin D offers include:Maintaining normal blood levels of calcium to absorb aid in calcium, aids in maintaining strong bones, helps in the formation of strong bones. Recent studies also show that vitamin D protect against osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer and autoimmune diseases require several. People who are at a higher risk of a vitamin D deficiency, including the elderly, dark-skinned people, and obese people. But even if you do not fit into one of these categories, you should stillAttempt to obtain an adequate vitamin D intake. For most people under the age of fifty years, is the adequate amount of vitamin D, 5 micrograms (200 IU) daily. For people from the age of fifty years, is the adequate intake of up to 10 mcg daily (400 IU) daily. If you are unsure what the proper dose of vitamin D is for you, please do not hesitate to speak with your doctor. This is a very simple step, which aids in the maintenance and bone health could.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Food Matters" Trailer (You Are What You Eat!)

I recommend everyone in the areas of health, nutrition are interested, and well-being go and see the whole movie! It is absolutely great! "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates that the message from the founding father of modern medicine in the controversial new documentary "Food Matters Echo" from first-time Producer-Directors James Colqhuoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch. "With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendencyto rely on drugs to treat what is wrong with our malnourished bodies, it is no wonder that modern society is always worse. 'Food Matters' sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' and the people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally. "- James And what promises to put forward the controversial idea, the filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim thatonly are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that's the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to chronic diseases such as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer to treat. 'Food Matters' is the world via the Internet with full-screen video technology will be launched. The film's official website and DVD, see be found --------------- -------------------- ---- modern medicine is the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA! (behind cancer and heartDisease). Food travels over 1500 - 2000 miles, and at least a week ago before leaving on your plate. -Less than 6% of doctors studying in the U.S. receive no formal training in nutrition. -26% Of patients leave the hospital are malnourished when they leave too, as if they came (and 80-90% of the time that someone is hospitalized primarily because of their poor state of nutrition). Survive-The word "" has been redefined by the medical community ... one person onlymust live for 5 years after her first treatment of cancer to a cancer as "survivors" (as if anyone survived 5 years after treatment of cancer and died 3 months later - the medical community says that they have survived cancer ). -Modern medicine is about "a pill for every illness". Enable It is the duty doctors and reactivate the body's own healing mechanisms. Video & SUBSCRIBE THANKS follow me on Twitter (Jeff Figearo):

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Tell Me Why - Food, Diet and Excercise Explores the human body's need for a balance of proper nutrition and regular exercise. Students learn that food from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, is composed of minerals, and water, and that each of these components is measured in calories. A good balance of calories and nutrients into a daily energy requirement for activity and movement of fuel is examined through the introduction of water-and fat-soluble vitamins, the food they contain and the importance of a variety of ...

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Protein Pumpkin Pudding

Here is aa great recipe that you can as a healthy snack. It is loaded with fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. ... Health Cooking Pumpkin recipe protein diet

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Saturday, January 16, 2010


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