Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an important part of human diet. The lack of this nutrient is likely to cause scurvy. Many people have this idea that if they are to maintain this condition, they are not in any danger of contracting a disease or similar conditions that can bring to their bodily functions. However, it has been through various tests that vitamin C is in a diet is necessary, not so much as to prevent scurvy, but more that it is capable of functioning on their own bodies goodperfect.
The importance of ascorbic acid
Unknown to the untrained person, vitamin C is preserved in many internal processes on human health. In stressful situations, our bodies produce more ascorbic acid in order to create the imbalance of charges that are ready. If the body does not do so fast enough, it could be unintentional biochemical effects. But by the inability of people to produce enough amount of ascorbic acid in the body, it is important that we fill up againour body with vitamins and continue to protect us. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to contract colds, if they do not have enough supply of ascorbic acid in their bodies? And mind you, even in large doses over a long period, people are protected from adverse impacts are other vitamins you may cause if, in such quantities is taken.
Vitamin C Back in Time
Based on the widespread availability of ascorbic acid in almost all living species andOrganisms, one can assume that the vitamin has been in existence billions of years ago. From a simple system for simple to more complex animal species, it is manufactured and independently synthesized. There are only a few organisms, which provide for an exception to this fact, where the food is needed to process these nutrients. With the exception of bacteria and similar organisms, both plants and animals evolved into more complex organisms, or to take the ascorbic acid for theirsurvival.Remember also the time when she studied invertebrates and vertebrates, the major difference was the presence of backbone in this way? The vertebrates, had a more developed muscular and nervous systems. These complex systems are better at dealing with these organisms of his environment to invertebrates. To achieve this, a high level of ascorbic acid is needed to support such activities with the organ systems.
Moving forward inTime
We know that warm-blooded animals have dominated all kinds. While producing the evolution of primate ancestors of man, a lethal genetic mutation, our liver is not capable of their own ascorbic acid. These mutations directly affect the DNA sequence that determines the human genome. This mutation destroys our primate ancestors ability to produce L-gulonolactone oxidase, which produce happens to be the last step in the livers of ascorbic acid from glucose. To compensate forThis shortcoming, the framework for good sources of vitamin in the form of meat, insects and plants available. To this day, you ride with this mutation to adapt to the efficiency of artificial nutrition and vitamin.
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